With Broadcom’s acquisition of Symantec and its shift away from SMB and mid-market, thousands of Symantec customers are looking for alternatives to Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP).
Today ,
Bitdefender is a global cybersecurity leader protecting over 500 million systems in more than 150 countries. Join this Webinar :
you will learn :
Overview of Bitdefender Garvityzone Layered Endpoint Protection
Why Bitdefender GravityZone is an obvious alternative to SEP
Performance Test on Bitdefender Gravityzone and SEP
End Users Reviews between Gravityzone and SEP
Cloud Management Console Overview
* Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.
NetMon Information Systems Ltd.
Unit 1,15/F Nanyang Plaza , 57 Hung To Road , Kwun Tong , Kowloon